History of Dexter-Almo Heights Water District

 The Dexter-Almo Heights Water District was formed in 1964, to serve the communities of Almo and Dexter in Northern Calloway County, KY. The district had 2 wells and 50,000-gallon water tower that was constructed to provide service at the time. In the 70s the water district decided to buy all of its water supply from the City of Murray and no longer produce their own water. The district has continued to buy water from the City of Murray since and now has two purchasing points from the city to provide adequate supply of water to the district. The district has grown since 1964, adding several new miles of water distribution lines. In the 1990s the district with help from some local developers was able to get service to most of the developments on the west side of Hwy 641 off Coles Campground Rd and Charley Miller Rd. Early 2000s the district was able to extend lines, with the help from state grant funds, along Coles Campground Rd towards the watershed and along Brinn Rd to North Calloway Elementary making a second purchasing point from the City of Murray. The most recent extension project was along Hopkins Rd from Charley Miller Rd in 2012 which in hopes will tie into West Fork Rd and create a giant loop for the whole district and limit the number of customers affected by water main breaks. To date the district has grown to nearly 850 customers and has over 30 miles of water mains.

The water district board is made up of a three person board which is appointed by the Calloway County Fiscal Court. The district board meets monthly to ensure the present and future needs of the district are being met. The district board meeting is open to the public. The board does ask that if you have any business you wish to discuss to contact us ahead of time to be on the agenda.

The water district operations is governed by the Public Service Commission and Division of Water. The water district abides by any and all rules and regulations of these state agencies. All rates, rules, and regulations are available to view at the water district office. 

General District/Customer Information

Current Staff 

Office Manager – Pamela Cole

Billing Clerk – Tiffany Hopkins

System Manager – Monte Stalls

Meter Reader – Tanner Henry

Current Board Members

Joe Dan Taylor – Chairman
Charles Boren – Vice Chairman/Treasurer
Bradley Smith – Secretary

Billing Information

1. Bills are mailed out at the end of each month.

2. Bills are due by the 10th of the next month before a late penalty of 10% is charged. 

3. District takes payments in the form of cash, check, money orders, credit/debit cards, or ACH payments. 

4. Bills not paid by the 4th Wednesday of the month they are due are subject to disconnect of service and a $25.00 reconnect fee will be assessed to have service restored.

5. Bill payments can be mailed back into the office, dropped off at the office during business hours, dropped in the drop box located on the front of the office, or made online.

Meter Reading

1. All customer’s meters are read at the beginning of each month by water district staff.

2. Re-Reading is done on any meters that seem to be higher or lower than average usage for a customer each month. Notes are made if the meter seems to be indicating a leak and customer is contacted about possible leak if there is indication there is one.

3. A customer has a right to have their meter re-checked at any point for accuracy of reading or to have meter tested for accuracy.

4. Water district does not allow any leak adjustments to bills or adjustments for swimming pools or other large usages.


1. A $75.00 deposit will be required for any new customer that wishes to sign up for residential water service and $100.00 for commercial water service.

2.The District will hold the deposit for a period of 1 year and the deposit plus interest could be refunded back to the customer or applied as bill credit at the end of the 1 year period if the customer has had satisfactory payment history. The district defines satisfactory payment history as not being on the cut-off list 4 or more months during the year period. 

3.The district also has the right through its tariffs to go back and charge a deposit if a deposit has been refunded and the customer fails to maintain a satisfactory payment history. 

4. If the customer decides to move out of the residence that the deposit is applied to, the deposit will be applied to the final bill and a refund of the difference will be returned if there is any or if there is still payment owed after the deposit is applied to account the customer will be billed for this amount. A customer may choose to pay the final bill and have the full deposit refunded or transferred to another residence within the district has context menu